I am a minor, at the age that many youth have been trafficked in Canada. Some call this prostitution, but considering that it is known internationally that the entry age into prostitution is between 12 and 14, it is undoubtedly the case that many of these underage prostitutes are being controlled and exploited by pimps, bawdy house owners or even family members.
I support Tara Teng, Miss World Canada, whose goal is to bring human trafficking and prostitution in Canada out of the shadows.
As a teenage girl, I simply do not understand why prostitution is legal in Canada, and why the men who pay to sexually abuse women and children are not being prosecuted. The root cause of prostitution is the demand for commercial sex with women and children. Therefore, it seems obvious that the purchase of sexual services ought to be heavily criminalized, and not the selling of sexual services.
Why are these outrageous acts not penalized? The excuse that we simply do not know what is happening in Canada regarding prostitution and human trafficking is no longer valid. I am a recent high school graduate, and even I know that the Canadian government has turned a blind eye toward prostitution.
I would like to see the Nordic model of prostitution law included in the Criminal Code of Canada — increase penalties for those who purchase sex acts and decriminalize the selling of sex while providing support to those trying to get out of prostitution.
Gussie Kooijman
North Saanich