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Municipal leaders are being childish

Re: “ ‘Lord of the Flies’ scenario feared at Nanaimo tent city,” July 18. We are watching a predictable and foolish response to tent cities in Saanich and Nanaimo.

Re: “ ‘Lord of the Flies’ scenario feared at Nanaimo tent city,” July 18.

We are watching a predictable and foolish response to tent cities in Saanich and Nanaimo. Once again, over-the-top “safety” demands, fear-mongering and bullying by authorities, constant flippant and hurtful remarks from leaders (to say nothing of the trolls and hateful statements online) have left these tiny communities in a state of panic and instability.

In the midst of this constant attack, the lawyer opposing the Nanaimo tent city dares to call the camps a potential Lord of the Flies scenario. Do we have to remind him that the book is about what happens when children are left to run things?

Shall I point out that the stone-throwing, demands and drama are all coming from elected and appointed leaders of the two cities? Oh, it’s Lord of the Flies all right, but the childish approach is not coming from the tent cities.

Derek Book
