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Lia Versaevel, Green Party candidate for Nanaimo-Lantzville

Lia Versaevel, the Green Party candidate for Nanaimo-Lantzville, answers questions from Times Colonist readers.
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Lia Versaevel is the Green candidate for Nanaimo-Lantzville. SUBMITTED





Political party: How long have you been a member?

GREEN PARTY OF BC 10-year member

Do you live in the riding, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to the riding?

Nanaimo-Lantzville is a newly created Riding this year. It encompasses the northern portion of School District 68 which is where I live. I am a member of the Nanaimo Fish and Game Club and work on contract with VIU in Exams and Invigilation, as well as part-time for the Corps of Commissionaires. I worked as an adult basic education teacher in Tillicum Lelum five years ago. I have run federally and provincially in Nanaimo in the past 10 years.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I work in Security and as a Mediator, Conflict Resolutionist, Tutor, Teacher, and consultant. I worked for the Attorney General in BC for 27 years, in Nevada for the Family Court for nine years, and also in Community Corrections in Australia.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing your community and why?

Access to healthcare is the major concern of people in this riding, with affordable housing a close second. Stress and mental illness are closely connected to the well-being of people. We must improve the access people have to family doctors as well as all health care professionals. Health must be established as the basis for all other considerations in our society. We need to stay well as long as we can, and avoid behaviours and situations that put us at risk, but when we do need health care, we need it right away.

What actions or efforts have you taken to learn the concerns of your constituents?

I have knocked on over 200 doors in the Lantzville area and spoken to residents, attended City Council meetings, visited the Legion and local establishments, and have always shopped in the north end, due to Cabela’s and Michael’s in particular being there. I have followed several pages on social media platforms. I have visited people in parks, on beaches, and in local stores. I have researched the demographics of this new Riding and talked to people who have lived here for up to 60 years!

What do you want to see improved in BC in four, eight, and 20 years?

Within the first four years, we need to address the healthcare crisis this Province is facing, which includes the crisis around poisonous drug supplies. We need to stop people dying due to not being able to access health care in a timely fashion. We need to increase rates received by people on income assistance and PWD. Nanaimo needs a new patient tower as well as improved equipment to deal with heart attacks and strokes. The population of the Nanaimo Regional District is growing exponentially and shows no signs of slowing. This is a disproportionately older population, as well.

How would you go about addressing contentious issues within your riding?

I would first seek to find out all of the facts and talk to everyone involved. I would bring in a mediator if required, and not take sides. I believe that we can live in harmony, even around contentious issues like the current access to clean water that is challenging this Riding. Listening to people and hearing all the details of their concerns is important.

Would you vote against your party and leader if it were best for your constituents?

Yes, if after thoughtful engagement with her and extensive empirical research I still found myself at odds with her, I would vote against her. This is the wonderful thing about the Green Party. We can hold different views and express them openly.

Why do you think you are qualified to do this job?

I have worked in and around governments for half a century and bring the skills and expertise needed to the Legislature. I know that showing up every day the government is in session is essential. There is a lot of work done behind the scenes, and I am a dedicated hard worker. I believe in collaboration and communication. I am an excellent writer and public speaker. I have a Master of Arts Degree from Royal Roads University in Conflict Analysis and Management, and leadership experience through many boards including the UVIC Alumni Board and Lions Clubs International.

Why are you running - what’s your motivation?

I have the skills and knowledge as well as lived experience to represent the people of Nanaimo-Lantzville as an MLA. I am an evidence-based action-oriented person, with a calm and professional demeanor. I am a good listener and an excellent results-attaining leader. I have been blessed with good health and extensive experience, and would like to serve the people of BC, not only those who vote for me, but everyone, to ensure that this Province is an outstanding place to live. I lived in Victoria for ten years, and know my way around the Legislature.


Nanaimo-Lantzville is a new riding for the 2024 election, created by a redistribution in 2021. It was created out of parts of the former Nanaimo and Parksville-Qualicum electoral districts.

Both of those ridings were won by New Democrats in the last election, but neither of those MLAs are running for re-election in this riding.

All of the 2024 candidates have been through a campaign before: Green Lia Versaevel also ran in 2020, while Gwen O’Mahony, once an NDP MLA for Chilliwack-Hope, is running for the Conservatives. They’re joined by New Democrat George Anderson, a Nanaimo city councillor and lawyer.



The candidates this election are:

See the full list of Vancouver Island candidates here. We are posting the candidate questionnaires riding by riding.


We asked readers what they wanted to ask candidates and used those answers to help shape our election coverage, including candidate questionnaires.

The answers are presented as submitted by the candidates, edited only for length if they exceeded the word limit they were given. We did not correct grammar, spelling or typos.

See an error or something that needs to be changed? You can report it to [email protected] or use the report a typo link below.