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100 homeless as fire destroys White Rock complex

White Rock resident Pat Watkins lost her home and has a husband in hospital with a broken leg due to a massive fire in downtown White Rock on Sunday. Watkins and husband Bruce evacuated their Ocean Ridge building at about 5 a.m.
Crews battle a huge fire near Johnston Road and Buena Vista Avenue in the Five Corners area of White Rock on Sunday.

White Rock resident Pat Watkins lost her home and has a husband in hospital with a broken leg due to a massive fire in downtown White Rock on Sunday.

Watkins and husband Bruce evacuated their Ocean Ridge building at about 5 a.m. after first hearing the sound of flames coming from a nearby construction site.

But in the dark and smoky conditions, Watkins said Bruce, who had their dog Sadie on a leash, tripped on a fire hose.

“I hear my home is basically gone,” Watkins said of her unit on the third floor of the Ocean Ridge complex at Johnston Road and Pacific Avenue. “My husband tripped on the fire hose and he broke his leg,” she said.

Watkins said their cat was left behind and she is unsure if it got to safety. “I’m worried about my cat,” she said.

“It isn’t Friday the 13th. This shouldn't be happening.”

The massive fire started in a building under construction. Watkins said flames moved onto their complex very fast due to a strong breeze coming off the ocean.

“I heard a crackling sound, it woke me up,” she recalled while waiting for an update from the fire chief at a nearby ice hockey arena that had been turned into an evacuation centre. “I looked out the window and saw the flames and told my husband we had to get out,” she said.

As the fire alarm went off and people began to leave her building, Watkins said she did not think the blaze would move so fast. “It went up like a tinderbox,” she said of the building under construction. “I really didn’t think it would catch our place but it did.”

White Rock Mayor Wayne Baldwin said there are 60 units in the Ocean Ridge complex. On the main floor of the building at what is known as the Five Corners, there are at least six businesses.

He said the building may be destroyed from the fire, smoke and water damage. “It is pretty well totalled,” he said.

Baldwin said the fire was whipped up due to the breeze coming off the water. “The wind was going in the wrong direction,” he said

Baldwin said other than the broken leg there were no other injuries. “Some escaped with just their pyjamas on,” he said.

As evacuees gathered at Centennial Arena, Baldwin praised the firefighters and local residents and businesses who were helping those who suddenly became homeless. “There has been a huge amount of help by the community.”

Despite some residents saying the fire was arson, Baldwin said an official cause had not been determined. “It is all speculation right now,” he said. “That would be terrible to think someone deliberately caused this fire.”

He said they estimate at least 100 people are homeless due to the fire. Work was underway to find them temporary accommodation.

Fire crews were called in from other cities. “The effort was outstanding,” Baldwin said of the fight to contain the blaze.

“I talked with one gentleman, he was still in his bathrobe and slippers and his glasses and hearing aid was left behind,” said Baldwin. "He was totally unprepared but he was still able to laugh.”

One of the businesses likely lost due to the smoke and water damage was Laura’s Coffee Corner. “That is an extremely popular coffee shop,“ Baldwin said. “It was amazing how fast the fire took off.”

Retiree Julie Bemben, who has lived in White Rock for 22 years, said the heavy smoke from the fire was making her feel ill. “I have a headache from the smoke.” She said the evacuation went smoothly. “They have a good emergency plan in place,” she said.

Surrey’s assistant fire chief Mark Griffioen said close to 20 Surrey firefighters assisted the White Rock fire department with the blaze. “It seemed to be spreading through the roof,” he said. “It was an extremely hot fire and it has been hard to get at.”

More coverage of the White Rock fire, including video, at