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Distracted driver caught sexting the old way

RICHMOND — Cellphones aren’t the only distraction for some drivers. A Richmond RCMP officer stopped a car Tuesday evening after noticing some unusual activity behind the wheel.
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A Richmond RCMP officer stopped a car Tuesday evening because he noticed "two people occupying the space of one."

RICHMOND — Cellphones aren’t the only distraction for some drivers.

A Richmond RCMP officer stopped a car Tuesday evening after noticing some unusual activity behind the wheel.

“The officer saw two people occupying the space of one,” said police spokesman Cpl. Dennis Hwang. “That’s what drew his attention. And the vehicle was having a little bit of trouble keeping straight.”

The officer followed the car until he confirmed his suspicions, then he pulled it over.

The officer ticketed the driver for seat-belt violations and for driving without due care and attention, Hwang said.

“I’ve been in the force 19 years and I’ve never encountered this — not while the car is moving,” Hwang said. “The driver was not cited for speeding.”

Hwang said one of the pair is a Metro Vancouver resident and the other was not. He was also vague on the ages of the man and woman.

“They were not teens. Not young,” he said.

The couple was understanding and accepted the consequences, Hwang said.

“It was a very jovial atmosphere, so to speak. I mean, once the moment’s gone.”