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If you drive in Vancouver, beware of Burrard at Pacific

What’s the scariest patch of road in Metro Vancouver? That was the question put to online readers of The Sun earlier this month.
Const. Brian Montague of the Vancouver police department at the intersection of Burrard and Pacific, a high-accident location.

What’s the scariest patch of road in Metro Vancouver? That was the question put to online readers of The Sun earlier this month.

For some drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, it doesn’t get any worse than Burrard Street at Pacific Street, an intersection nominated by a handful of readers and one of the deadliest in Vancouver.

ICBC data puts the intersection as the second worst spot in the city for crashes from 2009-13. The crash count at this location totalled 716 for those years — the latest released by the insurer — and 277 of them were killed or injured.

Lon LaClaire, Vancouver’s acting director of transportation, said a high number of collisions is to be expected at high-volume intersections. But there’s something else at play at Burrard and Pacific.

“The layout of the intersection isn’t what people are expecting,” LaClaire said. “So when they encounter it, they aren’t sure exactly how to behave.”

Eastbound drivers merging onto the bridge from Pacific grit their teeth as they look left for oncoming cars, both ways for bikers and pedestrians and straight ahead for the car merging in front of them. Meanwhile, northbound drivers merging onto Pacific crane their necks to spot cyclists dropping off the sidewalk to cross their exit channel.

“It’s more than just the busyness — it’s the geometry,” LaClaire said. “It’s not a normal intersection.”

Dual left-turn lanes, restricted turns and heavy signage also help make this an intersection police regularly attend to, said Brian Montague, a VPD spokesman.

“There’s just a lot going on,” Montague said. “Driving is a very complex task to begin with. When you come up to an intersection that’s out of the ordinary and not your typical four-way intersection, it makes that task even more difficult. When the task becomes more difficult, we often see more collisions.”

It takes a look back in time to understand how things got so bad at a key thoroughfare such as Burrard at Pacific. When the bridge first opened in the 1930s, it had six driving lanes and two shared sidewalks for cyclists and pedestrians. At that time, northbound traffic deposited through a simple intersection in a neighbourhood filled with single-family homes.

“The streets that were designed back in 1938 certainly made sense at that time. I’m sure that they were doing all the right things,” LaClaire said.

But as highrises went up and Vancouver’s downtown core grew, the traffic increased and the way the bridge was being used began to change. It is now a heavily used walking route for tourists and commuters alike and a busy cycling route. Nearly 4,000 bike trips and 3,000 foot crossings are made over the bridge each day, according to recent counts by the city.

“Suddenly, this is the bridge that is carrying the highest number of people walking and cycling over False Creek, and so now what never used to be a conflict is suddenly a conflict.”

The city put in a separated and protected bike lane in 2009 and between that year and 2013, crashes steadily declined. Despite the change, the intersection has remained one of the city’s most nerve-racking hot spots for commuters, and that’s for walkers, bikers and drivers alike, according to feedback the city has received.

Staff are now planning a $30-million overhaul of the intersection that they hope will help commuters get through their commutes safely. Key to the plan is protecting the most difficult manoeuvers to and from Pacific with dedicated lanes and phased lights, LaClaire said. “That’s going to make things a lot more comfortable for people.”

The first place city staff turn when looking for problem spots is ICBC’s collision data, LaClaire said. At the top of Vancouver’s crash list is Marine Drive at Knight Street, another intersection LaClaire and others at the city are planning to fix.

“Our expectation once we’ve completed the work at those two intersections is they’re not at the top of the list anymore. Hopefully they’ve fallen way down and we have a new No. 1 and two to focus on.”

There is a delay between the time of an accident and it being captured in ICBC’s crash data, said Aileen Shibata, a road safety program manager at the provincial insurer. Consequently, the insurer’s data will not immediately reflect changes to intersections or roadways. But ICBC crash data is just one source of information planners have access to, Shibata said, adding that police, the coroner, the transportation ministry of transportation and municipalities also gather more immediate data.

While Vancouver staff hope data sources like those will soon show things improving at Burrard at Pacific, other intersections and roads around the region continue to put commuters at peril every day.