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Treasure trove of B.C. historic items up for auction

Rare Gassy Jack letter among items dating back to 1851
Brian Grant Duff from All Nations Stamps and Coins recently came into possession of a collection of historical documents from the collection Gerald Wellburn, from the early days of Vancouver and the Pacific Northwest.

When Vancouver was burnt to a crisp in the Great Fire of June 13, 1886, most of the paper records and ephemera of the fledgling city went up in smoke.

But some survived, possibly because they had been taken to Victoria. And a treasure trove of them is going up for auction, beginning Feb 6.

The documents include a Gassy Jack Deighton letter and signature from 1875, the year the Gastown founder died. That’s 11 years before the City of Vancouver was incorporated, when it was known as Burrard Inlet and probably had 200 residents.

There are a couple of 1884 letters from Sam Greer explaining his claim to Kits Beach, which he purchased from four natives. Greer has even drawn maps to show where his claim was. The province rejected his claim and gave the land to the Canadian Pacific Railway, but he fought for it until the day he died in 1925.

One of the most fascinating documents is from 1868, and details a lawsuit between logger Jeremiah Rogers (of Jerry’s Cove fame) and Captain Edward Stamp, the founder of Hastings Mill.

Rogers claims that he cleared a mill site with a crew three years earlier, but Stamp never paid him for it. He lists 10 men who cleared the site between May 4 and June 13, 1865, and submits a bill for $593.45, including $85 for “ox labour.”

This is literally ground zero of Vancouver ?— the town sprang up around the Hastings Mill site. But Brian Grant Duff of All Nations Coins and Stamps said the dispute could be from one of two locations.

“Might this be the original mill site at Lumbermen’s Arch, or is this the subsequent site?” wonders Grant Duff, who is selling the item in his weekly online auction.

That’s a good question. Stamp originally cleared land for a mill by Lumbermen’s Arch in Stanley Park, but decided it was unsuitable and wound up building his mill at the foot of today’s Dunlevy Avenue, two blocks east of Main.

The dispute between two Vancouver pioneers is an example of the rich history for sale in the auction.

The items come from an album put together by Gerald Wellburn, a legendary collector of colonial British Columbia stamps and ephemera who died in 1992.

Wellburn auctioned off his collection for $1 million in 1988, but held onto some items, including the Burrard Inlet album.

Grant Duff has sold some other Wellburn material over the last year, including a trio of colonial B.C. stamps with a Burrard Inlet cancellation that went for $4,800. But this is the top Vancouver stuff.

“What we’re looking at is the lost — and perhaps last — Gerald Wellburn album,” said Grant Duff.

“He had about 40 albums like this that he was working on, and this may well be the last one that was held (together). I believe it was a collection that was also very close to his heart. It’s 1851 to 1899, historic Vancouver.

“It’s clear that he was still working on it (when he died), and it’s wonderful, because it shows the process that he laid out material in.”

Wellburn arranged the album like a book, printing out descriptions of the items by hand. He attaches old illustrations, photos, postcards and newspaper clippings to flush out the story. It’s totally unique, one man’s history of Vancouver, pre-Vancouver.

There are items from all the settlements around Burrard Inlet in the 1860s and ‘70s, including Burrard Inlet, Granville, Hastings and Moodyville. There are rare documents and letterhead from businesses like Hastings Mill, the Moodyville Saw Mill and the Granville Hotel. And there autographed items from prominent pioneers like Richard Alexander, Jonathan Miller, Richard Burnaby, James Raymur and Sewell Moody.

Grant Duff is fond of an 1877 letter from surveyor Edgar Dewdney, who was laying out the Granville (Gastown) town site and later became B.C.’s Lieutenant-Governor.

“This is the first known Granville cover (postmark),” said Grant Duff.

“The letter from Dewdney says ‘I’m here in a very bad camp, and the only one I can get on account of the scarcity of fresh water. I am finishing Granville townsite, and a pretty rough one it is.’”

The town of Granville was indeed fairly rough. The Wellburn cache includes several legal documents for murders.

“Sewell Moody (of Moodyville) tried to keep things under control on the north shore, but the south shore was the wild west,” said Grant Duff.

He picks up a document.

“James Noble Brown of English Bay did kill and murder one Tim, alias Louie, an Indian,” he reads. “Verdict manslaughter, sentenced to 10 years hard labour.”

How did Wellburn find something like this?

“I think he must have got it all in Victoria, because everything in Vancouver would have burned (in the Great Fire),” said Grant Duff.

“It’s just marvellous that he was able to save it and we have it today.”

Wellburn also was quite tenacious when he was on the trail of early documents.

“I was told when the Victoria post office was closed or moved, he was so well respected that he was allowed to check behind the empty drawers and so on and take whatever he wanted,” said Grant Duff.

“So some of this material could have come from that, it just got left behind.”

Grant Duff said there are 90 pages in the collection, but some will be grouped for sale, resulting in about 50 lots. He expects to sell a couple of lots per week.

The first two items from the collection sold last weekend, including an 1866 S. P. Moody & Co., Burrard Inlet Mills invoice that sold for $1,567.50.

The Gassy Jack autograph will be held back ‘until Grant Duff’s 1050th sale on March 12. It’s incredibly rare — the Vancouver Archives only has one Gassy Jack signature. It was donated by H.R. MacMillan, who probably got it from Wellburn when he purchased Wellburn’s lumber company.

“I’m going to estimate it at $500 and let the market decide,” said Grant Duff.

“(The collection) is just an amazing historical assemblage, and I’m really lucky to be able to bring it to market.”