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Vancouver bans personal use of fireworks

Next Halloween will be the last Vancouverites will be able to legally buy fireworks and shoot them off in their yards or neighbourhoods, after Vancouver city council voted Tuesday to ban consumer fireworks.
A fireworks display at Victoria's Inner Harbour. July 2017.

Next Halloween will be the last Vancouverites will be able to legally buy fireworks and shoot them off in their yards or neighbourhoods, after Vancouver city council voted Tuesday to ban consumer fireworks.

And depending on which councillor was making a point before the vote at a regular council meeting, it either means the end of neighbourhood camaraderie and a return of the city’s no-fun reputation, or the ushering in of a kinder and gentler celebration that humans, and animals triggered by loud noise, can enjoy.

The motion for the ban, which is to come into effect before Halloween 2021, was put forward by Coun. Pete Fry, and voted for by Couns. Adriane Carr, Sarah Kirby-Yung, Rebecca Bligh, Jean Swanson, Christine Boyle and Lisa Dominato. Coun. Colleen Hardwick abstained.

Voting against the ban were Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Couns. Melissa De Genova and Mike Wiebe.

A number of the councillors pointed out that the issue attracted the most feedback of any of the issues they’ve debated, and several said the public was overwhelmingly in favour of a ban.

“Some people will say this is a no-fun-city sort of move, but fireworks are no fun for people who suffer from PTSD,” Fry said, recounting his own experience with post-traumatic stress disorder.

“We will still be able to enjoy fireworks,” he said, because large community groups will still be able to apply for a licence to hold a display legally.

Wiebe said the ban disregarded the cultural significance of fireworks for those who celebrate religious or ethnic events such as Diwali or Chinese New Year.

He also said the move means neighbours would lose a chance to gather in small block parties to get to know one another every Halloween.

And he said council was disregarding the voices of young people, who might not know how to contact their council to oppose the ban, and would be denied the joy of small fireworks gatherings.

The motion passed was to ban the sale and use of consumer fireworks, which means a loss of the “millions” in estimated sales at the 43 pop-up shops that sold fireworks this Halloween. The bylaw has gone to staff for wording.

Carr said she struggled with her vote because “I love fireworks.” But she said close friends had their house burn down after their son set off fireworks in the attic, and she had to support the ban.

“This motion does strike a good balance,” she said.

Dominato said she, too, wrestled with her vote, but decided to vote for the ban because of the effects on children and pets, and because of safety and property damage concerns, as well as how it would affect people suffering from PTSD or other trauma.

The mayor spoke briefly to say he opposed the ban because “every time I think of fireworks, I think of fun.”

The Canadian National Fireworks Association predicted the ban would send Vancouverites online to buy fireworks illegally, and without the safety precautions the industry promoted with legal sales, said spokeswoman Melanie Sutherland.

Vancouver Fire and Rescue changed course to support the ban because this Halloween, it recorded more than 20 fires, $357,000 worth of property damage — including one house that was heavily damaged due to the use of illegal fireworks — and saw two people sent to hospital with injuries, all because of fireworks.

“We would be ethically negligent if we kept on seeing these kind of numbers and did nothing,” said spokesman Capt. Jonathan Gormick.

Raymond Greenwood, who has operated his Mr. Fireworks store in Vancouver for 27 years, said he was “totally disappointed” with council’s decision. Greenwood said Vancouver’s permitting system kept fireworks use safe and the ban won’t stop the sale of illegal fireworks in person and online. “It’s a sad day in Vancouver, and the fun has gone out in Vancouver once again.”

However, Victoria Shroff, a Vancouver-based animal lawyer, supported the ban, citing fireworks’ negative effect on pets, people and the environment.