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Vancouver set to approve first legal marijuana shops

135 applications refused because they didn’t meet requirements
Fourteen applications for retail marijuana businesses have received initial approval from the city of Vancouver and will now go before the Development Permit Board.

Vancouver expects to legalize by the end of February the first 14 of at least 20 marijuana-related businesses now operating within city limits.

On Monday, the city said it had whittled down 176 applications for the country’s first legal retail marijuana stores to 14 that will now go before the Development Permit Board for approval. Another six stores could be drawn from 19 applications that are deemed to be clustered too close to each other.

The city has already refused 135 other applications because they didn’t meet zoning requirements and were either too close to schools, community centres or public gathering places.

Although the 14 initial applications have met minimum siting and location standards, they won’t be able to apply for business licenses unless they are also approved by the Development Permit Board, said Andreea Toma, Vancouver’s director of licensing.

Only after a business license application is made will police begin criminal background checks.

Of the 14 applications, 11 are from marijuana dispensaries already open. Toma said three others had not initially met the minimum siting criteria and closed, but came back to the city with new locations that met with approval.

Under the city’s novel program, applicants can either be for-profit businesses or identify as non-profit compassion clubs. Toma said the first 14 applications are divided equally between the two classes.

In June, 2015, city council took the unusual step of opening up the possibility of business licenses for pot shops. At the time the city had more than 100 illegal dispensaries, making it the centre of the largest retail pot distribution system in Canada.

It received 176 applications, but almost immediately rejected 135 as not meeting minimum standards. Some were existing shops, others were new companies hoping to cash in. The city gave the rejected applicants six months to shut down; those without stores were told to not even bother opening.

But Toma said 62 of the rejected applicants have filed appeals to the city’s Board of Variance, which will begin hearings Feb. 17.

The city’s application process may be for naught, however. In late January, Terry Lake, the provincial health minister, said he was inclined to see marijuana sold through liquor stores, which already ensure people buying alcohol meet a minimum age.

It also comes as the federal Liberal government begins exploring how to act on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s promise to legalize marijuana.

Toma said signs have been posted at all 14 of the initial store sites and notification letters delivered within a two-block radius. The city has posted all of the potential addresses on its website. She said the city won’t accept any new applications for pot shops until the current crop are dealt with.