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Photography on the waterway

About 150 shutterbugs pointed cameras at the Gorge this summer in a photo contest to encourage a new perspective on the urban waterway.

About 150 shutterbugs pointed cameras at the Gorge this summer in a photo contest to encourage a new perspective on the urban waterway.

In a contest sponsored by the Gorge Waterway Action Society, adults, teens and children submitted photographs taken along the waterway for judging. Photos were solicited in March and judging took place in July.

Categories included People, Fun, Water, Wildlife and Environment.

Prizes were donated by a number of local businesses and included an annual pass for Victoria Harbour Ferries, passes to the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre in Sidney, dinner for two at Canoe Brewpub, and an introductory lesson in open-water rowing.

Members of the Gorge Waterway Action Society explain they hope those who took photos and those who view them will gain a new appreciation for the waterway.

Caren Cameron, an active member and director of the society for 21 years, remembers the Gorge in the 1960s as a place parents warned kids not to swim in.

Doubters existed even in the early '90s, when local groups including the Veins of Life declared the Gorge could be made safe for swimmers, and began cleanup efforts.

Now the beaches and swimming spots are monitored by health authorities and are almost always considered good areas for a saltwater dip.

Cameron noted the tidal actions of the Gorge keep it quite clean.

"It does a pretty good job on its own," she said. - Richard Watts


Children's division

Grand Prize: Caleb Sam

Fun category: Brandon Sam

People category: Kalem Quocksister

Water category: Caleb Sam

Youth division

Grand Prize: Chandler Kerr

Environment Division: Roy Louie

Water category: Chandler Kerr

Adult division

People category: Beth Allan

Fun category: Eduardo Bautista

Water category: Gordon R. Garside

Wildlife category: Val Lechner

People's Choice winner: Geoff Godfrey

People's Choice runner-up: Bill Stadval