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The University of Victoria is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and helping the United Way celebrate its 75th.

The University of Victoria is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and helping the United Way celebrate its 75th. This year is the 18th Annual United Way Book and Record Sale, held at the UVic Student Union Building in support of the United Way's many community programs. This event is not possible without dedicated volunteers, and there are lots of opportunities to get involved. Sorting and pricing takes place weekdays between Nov. 5 and Nov. 14 at the McPherson Library. Next, set up in the SUB will be held Nov. 15 in preparation for the sale, which is held Nov. 16-17. This year, UVic wants to open the sale to the larger community of Victoria, so the hours are 8 a.m.8 p.m. each day. Cleanup will be held Nov. 18. Training will be provided. If you want to get involved and help UVic and the United Way help others in need, please call 250-721-6012.

Want to Volunteer? These and many other opportunities are available at or by calling 250-386-2269.

Restoration Projects: Swan Lake/ Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary seeks volunteers for restoration projects, held Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Events include Scotch broom removal, planting trees and more. Wear weather appropriate clothing and shoes; tools are provided. Come once or every week. Call 778-679-6089.

Cashier: Craigdarroch Castle needs volunteer cashiers to welcome visitors, handle admissions and provide visitors with some historical information.

Minimum three-month commitment. Training provided. Call 250-592-5323. Cribbage Volunteer: Gorge Road Hospital needs a volunteer to play cribbage with a group of seniors, Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-noon. Training is provided for this long-term role; others are available. Call 250-370-8407.

Fundraising: Veterinarians Without Borders seeks a fundraising assistant to work at its Victoria head office for about six to 10 hours per week. Tasks include contacting organizations, donors and members; inputting donations in the database and preparing internal and external communications.

Call 250-590-3340. Event Committee: Pandora Arts Collective Society needs an energetic, responsible individual to join the event committee, a role that involves planning, organizing and managing the Annual General Meeting, potlucks and other meetings. Commitment averages one or two hours per week for at least six months. Call 250-920-7227.

Various: Cridge Transition House for Women needs volunteers for a variety of roles that might include childcare, driving and working directly with women and children. Commitment is 96 hours - about four hours per week for six months. Training is provided. Call 250-479-3963.

Board Members: Parent Support Services Society of B.C. seeks board members from Greater Victoria.

Members will attend monthly board meetings in person or by phone and sit on a committee or task group. Call 250-384-8042.