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Alberta champion 'one of the giants'

Peter Lougheed, the man with a bulldog chin and crooked grin who transformed Alberta into a modern petro-powered giant and an equal player in Confederation, has died.

Peter Lougheed, the man with a bulldog chin and crooked grin who transformed Alberta into a modern petro-powered giant and an equal player in Confederation, has died.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office confirmed the 84-year-old former premier's death Thursday.

"On behalf of all Canadians, Laureen and I offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Peter Lougheed," Harper said in a statement.

"Today Canada lost a truly great man. Peter Lougheed was quite simply one of the most remarkable Canadians of his generation."

The Calgary-born lawyer and Alberta premier from 1971 to 1985 leaves behind a profound record of achievement and influence on public policy.

He took the reins of the fledgling Progressive Conservatives in 1965 and within six years had built a party that turfed a decadesold Social Credit dynasty and launched one of his own that continues to this day.

As oil prices shot to stratospheric levels in the 1970s, Lougheed became a provincial folk hero and a nationally recognized figure for his epic battles with Ottawa over control of Alberta's black gold.

He kick-started petroleum diversification by nurturing oilsands development which now sprawls throughout northern Alberta, has brought the province billions of dollars and made it the economic driver of the country.

He fostered arts, culture and tourism and took the legislature into the modern age of communication.

He created a multibilliondollar Heritage Savings Trust Fund as oil revenue began to pour in and championed medical research.

He helped patriate the Constitution and fought for a notwithstanding clause to ensure Canada would ultimately be governed by legislators and not the courts.

He has served as mentor and role model for a generation of politicians, including current Alberta Premier Alison Redford.

"Overall, I think he goes down in my books as one of the giants of Canadian history," said former Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanow.

Edgar Peter Lougheed was born July 26, 1928, into an established family that had politics in its blood. His grandfather, James, had served in the Senate and in the cabinets of Conservative prime ministers Robert Borden and Arthur Meighen.

His father was a lawyer and, in 1952, 23-year-old Peter was also awarded a law degree. Two years later, he earned an MBA from Harvard. As an undergrad at the University of Alberta, Lougheed played football for the Golden Bears and the Canadian Football League's Edmonton Eskimos.

He married Jeanne Rogers of Forestburg, Alta., and together they had four children.

Politics eventually proved irresistible to Lougheed. In 1965, at 36, he took over the Progressive Conservative party and rebuilt it from the ground up. He focused on strong candidates and constituencies, on one-on-one doorknocking and on the new medium of television, which was ideal for the telegenic Lougheed.

In 1971, the Tories won the provincial election and Lougheed set to work growing and diversifying the province.

He raised oil royalties to underscore provincial control of resources and encouraged a foundation of Alberta-based financial institutions to reduce reliance on central Canadian banks.

He encouraged funding and research into extracting oil from the rich bitumen deposits near Fort McMurray.

To open up the business of government, Lougheed ordered that all daily proceedings in the house be recorded and distributed in Hansard. The same year he ordered daily TV coverage of debates. Both continue to this day.

He looked beyond business, too.

Under Lougheed's watch, the sprawling wilderness recreation area of Kananaskis Country west of Calgary was created.

Money flowed into the arts and there was support for the Banff Centre, performing arts venues in Edmonton and Calgary and the Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival.

But it was his clashes with Ottawa on oil royalties that made him famous.

The oil price increases of the 1970s, spiked by turmoil in the resource-rich Middle East, sent money pouring into Alberta coffers. But the federal government wanted domestic prices kept below world levels and also wanted a share of the wealth.

Lougheed pushed back by refusing a deal with Pierre Trudeau, Liberal prime minister at the time, and later rejecting a similar one offered by Joe Clark and the Conservatives.

In 1980, Trudeau brought in the national energy program, a package of taxes and rules designed to funnel more resource revenues to Ottawa while keeping the domestic price below world levels.

Lougheed took it as a declaration of war.

In an impassioned TV speech, in which he accused the federal government of having moved right into Alberta's living room, he threatened to cut oil production. In March 1981, Alberta cut its daily output of 1.2 million barrels by 60,000.

Trudeau eventually relented and a face-saving deal was brokered that increased the price of oil and reaffirmed Alberta as the master of its own resources.

Lougheed also took on Trudeau over the patriation of the Constitution in 1982.

The package included an amending formula which, in Lougheed's eyes, gave too much power to Ontario and Quebec and shortchanged the other provinces.

He began lobbying other premiers and eventually swung seven others against Trudeau.

It was Lougheed's last big fight.

He won his fourth straight election that year and moved on three years later.

Since then the number of awards and commendations have been staggering.

There are buildings, parks, scholarships and streets named in his honour. He was named to the Order of Canada in 1987 and the Alberta Order of Excellence in 1989. He was an honorary chief of the Cree and Blood First Nations.

This summer, the Institute for Research and Public Policy named him Canada's best premier in the last 40 years.

In accepting the award, Lougheed told the audience: "Let's keep building."