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Spring sun shines on Island Farms Victoria Day Parade

Stephanie Kostiuk danced down Douglas Street as pipers piped and drummers drummed in the Island Farms Victoria Day Parade. “We’re from Winnipeg and we wanted to come to the Victoria Day Parade,” said a beaming Kostiuk.

Stephanie Kostiuk danced down Douglas Street as pipers piped and drummers drummed in the Island Farms Victoria Day Parade.

“We’re from Winnipeg and we wanted to come to the Victoria Day Parade,” said a beaming Kostiuk. “I wanted one time in my life to be in Victoria on Victoria Day. So, Happy Victoria Day.”

The spring sun broke through as marching bands, dancers and flag twirlers filled the street starting at 9 a.m. And all along the Douglas Street route — from Mayfair mall to Humboldt Street — happy Victorians clapped, cheered and waved.

The parade goes right past Cis Gelling’s home at Ross Place on Douglas Street, and she has been a regular watcher. This year, four generations of her family arrived bright and early with their lawn chairs and snacks.

Gelling waved from her wheelchair at the noisy fire trucks with their honking horns and screaming sirens. “I always enjoy a parade,” said Gelling. “I’ve watched many, many, many of them. I love the bands, the Scottish bands especially.”

“We’re here rain or shine every year,” said her daughter Christine Walker. “It’s just tradition to us. My mom and dad used to bring us down to it and I brought my son and daughter to it and now we bring the grandchildren. Everybody just loves it.”

“We get here early enough to scout some place out. We bring snacks, food, blankets and umbrellas if it’s raining. But it’s gorgeous today.”

Gelling’s great-grandson Xavier ran out to scoop up a lollipop. “He loves the fire trucks,” she said.

Victoria’s cultural community was on display — from the Naden Band with their crisp drumrolls, and military veterans with their proud, straight backs, to lion dancers snaking down the street in yellow silk, and the Filipino community’s giant statues.

Flutist Anna Stark had finished her stint with the Reynolds Secondary Band and was making her way back up Douglas Street.

“It was nerve-wracking but a lot of fun,” said the 15-year-old musician. “Being at the viewing stand was my favourite part because of the crowd and they were all so excited and cheering us on.”

While lawn chairs were the seat of choice, Edna Callagon of Vancouver popped the seats out of her van and carried them to Douglas Street for her children to sit on. Her daughter Angelica watched the parade in cushioned comfort.

“What’s your favourite part?”

“Everything,” she replied.

Minor criticism came from pint-sized pundit Tovah Weigand whose favourite part has always been the candy. “I didn’t get much,” said the six-year-old.

Sarah Holloway arrived for the second half, spreading out a blanket and unpacking a picnic lunch. Five-month-old Sadie slept quietly on her chest.

“When you have kids, you have to have a snack. As soon as we get here, we have to have a snack,” said Holloway as she and four-year-old son Theoden munched on cheese and crackers, pickles, grapes, sliced cucumber, carrots and cinnamon apples.

By 11:40 a.m. as the Beacon Hill Children’s Farm Society went by with bleating goats, three-year-old Janna Thomas was starting to fade, lying down on her blanket in the street. Her mother Sadie Thomas said they’d been at the parade since 8:30 a.m. “She could probably use a nap.”

But older sister Raeanne was showing no signs of being tired. The six-year-old said she liked everything about the parade.

“And I love the candy.”

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Thousands lined Douglas Street; awards from parade judges 

It was the perfect day for a parade. Not too hot, not too cold, and luckily no rain.

“It was just ideal,” said Ron Butlin, chairman and organizer of the Island Farms Victoria Day Parade. “I thought it was one of the best we’ve had in the 20 years I’ve done the parade,”

Police estimated 45,000 to 50,000 people lined the Douglas Street route.

And all were treated to a fabulous spectacle of sight and sound.

Brassy marching bands from local high schools and the U.S. kept toes tapping and hands clapping.

In the end, the judges awarded Spectrum Community School first place in the Canadian band category, followed by Reynolds Secondary and Lambrick Park Secondary in second and third place.

Reynolds took first place in the Canadian drill team category, followed by Lambrick Park Seconday and Spectrum Community School in second and third place.

Of the U.S. schools of more than 1,200 students, South Kitsap High School’s marching band took top place followed by Ballard High School and Oregon City High School.

First among smaller schools was Shorecrest High School, followed by Sehome High School and Mount Baker High School. Kingston Middle School took the award for juniors.

The O’Brian Irish Dancers won first in performing acts, followed by the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society and the Victoria Motorcycle Club.

Best walking group was the Victoria Swiss Society. Sikh Martial Arts came in second followed by the Saanich Firefighters.

Galey Farms won best commercial float.