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Campbell River family escapes unharmed before fire engulfs home

Smoke alarms alerted residents of a fire that heavily damaged their Campbell River home on Wednesday night. All of them, along with their pets, got out safely before the fire spread through the structure.
A Campbell River home is heavily damaged by fire Wednesday night.

Smoke alarms alerted residents of a fire that heavily damaged their Campbell River home on Wednesday night.

All of them, along with their pets, got out safely before the fire spread through the structure.

The Campbell River Fire Department was dispatched about 6:20 p.m. to the home in the city’s Rockland area.

“When crews arrived on scene, the front of the house was completely enveloped in flames with the fire growing rapidly,” said Deputy Fire Chief Kelly Bellefleur. Power to the neighbourhood was shut down briefly, he said.

Two adjacent homes and a recreational vehicle in the driveway had minor damage.

Crews were able to recover some personal items for the family, he said.

Bellefleur said preliminary reports suggest the fire started in the garage, but the investigation is still underway.

— Times Colonist