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Three Island flights added to COVID-19 exposure list

Two flights to Nanaimo and one to Victoria have been added to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control’s list of COVID-19 advisories.

Two flights to Nanaimo and one to Victoria have been added to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control’s list of COVID-19 advisories.

Someone who tested positive for the virus travelled on Air Canada/United Airlines flight 8075/8435 from Vancouver to Victoria on Dec. 14. Passengers on the flight are asked to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days after the flight, and those seated in rows 17 to 20 are considered at higher risk of exposure.

There was also a confirmed case on Air Canada/Jazz flight 8261 from Vancouver to Nanaimo on Dec. 14. Passengers in rows 8 to 14 are at higher risk of having been exposed.

Another flight from Vancouver to Nanaimo, Air Canada 8253 on Dec. 12, carried a passenger who tested positive for COVID-19. Those seated in rows 2 to 8 are at highest risk.

Anyone who travelled on a flight with a confirmed case is advised to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days.

There were four earlier flights to the Island added to the B.C. CDC’s exposure list in December:

  • Dec. 11 - Helijet 901, Vancouver to Nanaimo, no rows reported
  • Dec. 10 - Air Canada/Jazz 8069, Vancouver to Victoria rows 2 to 8
  • Dec 8 - Air Canada/Jazz 8081, Vancouver to Victoria, no rows reported
  • Dec. 6 - Pacific Coastal Airlines 108, Victoria to Vancouver, rows 2 to 10