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B.C.’s drug lawsuit has touch of hypocrisy

Re: “Splashy start, but lawsuit will take years,” column, Aug. 30. In many lives, bad things sometimes happen. Sometimes these events are due to the actions, criminal or otherwise, of other individuals or organizations who should be held responsible.

Re: “Splashy start, but lawsuit will take years,” column, Aug. 30.

In many lives, bad things sometimes happen. Sometimes these events are due to the actions, criminal or otherwise, of other individuals or organizations who should be held responsible.

However, we all know people who, no matter if they stand under a tree in a thunderstorm or similar action, will find someone to blame for any ill effects they suffer. The NDP government of B.C. appears to have joined their ranks by filing suit against several drug companies manufacturing opioids for causing addition. Some nerve!

This is a government that profits hugely by the sale and licensing of alcohol, a known addictive substance and a frequent precursor of opioid addiction. Further, they are racing to similarly profit even more by selling and licensing the sale of marijuana and products in the near future, another drug with a similar path to addiction.

In the meantime, their vaunted “harm reduction” program has rising costs as additional personnel are having to be hired to cope with the rising numbers of deaths from criminally adulterated opioid use. What a success story.

Columnist Les Leyne predicts that the suit could go on for years. Who is paying the costs? We are.

William Davis
