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Pierre had good reason to give the finger

Re: “Selfie vs. finger: a tale of two Trudeaus,” column, Jan. 29. Jack Knox’s reference to former prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s finger in Salmon Arm (1982) missed the reason for the action. I was there that morning.

Re: “Selfie vs. finger: a tale of two Trudeaus,” column, Jan. 29.

Jack Knox’s reference to former prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s finger in Salmon Arm (1982) missed the reason for the action.

I was there that morning.

Nursing a hangover and sleeping on the wooden floor of the train station to prevent missing the morning train, I was awakened early in the morning by a handful of protesters. The protesters were yelling at two young boys in a silver train car.

The protesters were directing inappropriate comments toward the children. Grown-up stuff about Daddy wasting money.

I stood by a CBC reporter when a man came to the window and gave the protesters the finger before pulling down the blinds.

I said to the reporter: “Was that our prime minister?” He smiled and said yes.

The protesters were yelling at two young boys. The protesters were being rude, perhaps meaning the insults for the prime minister, but delivering them to the boys.

I believe the finger given by the prime minister that day was appropriate.

I got on the train and at a stop up the line, I talked with the prime minister. He said he was going canoeing with the boys, and he was polite and friendly.

Glen Mitchell
