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What are alternatives to Liberals, NDP?

Recent polls indicate the distinct possibility that Adrian Dix and the NDP will form the next government of B.C.

Recent polls indicate the distinct possibility that Adrian Dix and the NDP will form the next government of B.C.

Given the overwhelming opposition by the NDP on the subject of the HST, I wonder if they will learn from the Liberal mistake and consult with the people of B.C. regarding their plan to raise personal and corporate taxes to fund their programs?

Public-service unions are salivating at the prospect of nice new contracts.

The NDP record of fiscal responsibility is not an enviable one, and in fact this led to them being decimated by the Gordon Campbell regime.

I see no difference this time - the roles are just reversed.

How long are we as an electorate going to seesaw back and forth between these parties of failure?

Maybe a third option would serve us better - but where is it?

Wayne Underhill
