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Signs that spring is here

Spring has arrived. Here are the tell tale signs: 1. Ollie the Pug is feasting on grass cuttngs. For some reason, our pug dog loves to eat freshly cut grass.

Spring has arrived. Here are the tell tale signs:

1. Ollie the Pug is feasting on grass cuttngs. For some reason, our pug dog loves to eat freshly cut grass. Because he has been told not to do this, he eats fetid grass clumps furtively, in the manner of a lapsed Jenny Craig-er munching Twinkies at 2 a.m.

When you tell Ollie the cease and desist, he scampers away crazily, the grass is his mouth looking like a green beard.

2. It's softball season. This means the women's softball league resumes play at our local park. And, in turn, this means you have to be careful that Ollie doesn't scamper through the gate and disrupt the softball game, like he did last week. This happened because one of the softball players had a bag of strawberries. And Ollie wanted one. Play resumed only after he was chased off the field.

3. Bird song. It makes Ollie go crazy. Birds are, apparently, not his friends. He scampers about the kitchen, no doubt wishing he had some softball game strawberries or clumps of fetid grass to eat.