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Week 10 - That's better!

Week 10 - WOW!! I am almost at the end of the 12 TC Health/Happy Challenge. Time has flown by!! What did I learn this week: 1. I may actually be able to do this! 2. I am a closet dork.

Week 10 - WOW!! I am almost at the end of the 12 TC Health/Happy Challenge. Time has flown by!! What did I learn this week: 1. I may actually be able to do this!  2. I am a closet dork.

More on lesson 1 – At the beginning of this TC Health/Happy Challenge I was not healthy or happy at all and now 10 weeks in I am more optimistic than I have been in years that I may actually be able to pull this off. 

School is going good.  I passed my final quiz in Segment 1 of the CMA-AP and I have my final exam in 2 weeks, the day before the windup for the TC Health/Happy Challenge at PISE on April 14th.  I have already determined that Sunday Apr 14thwill be a cheat day for sure (after I weigh in of course)!! 

There have been a lot of bumps over the last 10 weeks but I have realized that I have a lot of supportive people around me and that has been the key to me sticking with this so far.  Whether it’s my husband talking me off the ledge and never giving up on me, my 4 year old telling me he wants to go exercise with me, my co-workers checking up on me or my trainer challenging me, it has all helped me make it as far as I have and I am really grateful to everyone, even if I don’t always show it!!

Something amazing happened in our house this week.  Something that has not happened in living memory in the Gray household.  I actually threw out a piece of cake because it went stale before anyone ate it!!  Granted it was a picked at piece of birthday cake but still – I cannot remember that ever happening before!  One of my husband’s biggest pet peeves is that I will have no problem throwing out a whole bag of salad because it went bad but if there is something sweet in the house it is gone before he gets any.   Well this week it was the salad that was finished and the cake being thrown out.  Miracles can happen people!!– Here is the photographic proof:

 Leftover cake

Another amazing thing happened – I bought these ugly brown cords years ago and have not been able to fit into them almost since the time I bought them.  (I was so sad when I bought them too because I only bought them because all my other pants were getting too small :( )  Well I was feeling brave yesterday and tried them on and wouldn’t you know it they fit and actually might be a little too big!  Another miracle!  I still haven’t weighed myself yet but the ugly brown cords are further proof that things are changing!!  Here’s a pic of me rockin’ the veggie socks with the ugly brown cords – does fashion counseling come with the TC Heath/Happy Challenge because I am pretty sure I need it?:

 Ugly brown cords


The final miracle of the week was that I actually ran 2X last week!!  I have not run since September when I hurt my knee and since Julie couldn’t go to bootcamp on Tuesday I was feeling like I maybe it would be a good day to try running because I still have a delusion that I will be able to run the 10K at the end of April.  So I asked my original running buddy Theresa if she was going and if I could come along with her – we used to run at lunch quite abit till I hurt my knee – she said yes and I did it and didn’t’ do too bad.  My knee was sore after and my hip and back but it was manageable.  So much so that when Thursday rolled around and Julie couldn’t go to bootcamp, Theresa and I went again.  I am running again and happy about it – there must be something wrong with me!!

More on lesson 2 – I am admitting I am a dork because I am ridiculously excited about the new Game of Thrones that is starting on Sunday – I have already set the PVR for it!!  I love the show and have read all the book twice.  Sorry Jasmyn for embarrassing you but it is my favourite show!!  And I am in love with Rihanna’s new song Stay! 

Till next time……..

Laters baby!!