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Weigh-in Wednesday #25

Wednesdays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week, I enjoy everything about them except for the insomnia that takes over in the wee hours of the morning because 10,000 butterflies stir in my stomach before I do. Seriously, wide awake at 5AM.

Wednesdays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week, I enjoy everything about them except for the insomnia that takes over in the wee hours of the morning because 10,000 butterflies stir in my stomach before I do.  Seriously, wide awake at 5AM.  And, here's the thing...I've been weighing-in for 25 weeks now and it only takes me one blah weigh-in week to get back on track.  I go into emergency goodie two-shoes mode with my food, drink, and exercise it's week 1 or 2 or something.  I don't even go off the rails really in the first place, I just don't have that perfect balance that I need to get consistent losses...and maybe I stop and get a drink in the bar car too often and occasionally indulge in too many potatoes in the dining car.  Train in Vain.  Time to take other transport.

Last week, I explored the option of taking my bike to the gym, did that for a couple of days...but couldn't get comfortable on the roads.  I'm scared of traffic, I'll admit it.  Going over the Blue Bridge for the first time was also quite the experience.  When I sneak in the extra exercise though, I think it really makes a difference on weigh-in day.  Making dates to hang out with people goes a little like this now:  "Want to go for a walk, or hike, or steal a bike so you can ride it with me?"  And speaking of hiking, I'll admit to opting out of stairs after a cardio session with the ninja, but I will not opt out of a hike with Sheenagh.  So last week I also added climbing a mountain to the list of things I do outside of the gym.  We'd tackled Mount Doug before, so this time was Finlayson.  The last "mountain" I thought I had conquered was Iwatayama, in Kyoto.  As it turns out, Mount Finlayson is 2.3 times bigger than that wee little peak in Japan...and has not one single monkey on top.  Sheenagh assured me that I could handle this trail, though many others said it was a steep hike.  It was, but we did it.  Nothing quite like getting lapped by a one-eyed powder puff to make you climb faster - I'm speaking of Laddu, Sheenagh's pirate pooch, tiny, fluffy, and a cyclops due to a Christmas dinner fiasco.  Like, monkey mountain, I forgot all about my burning quads and aching calves as soon as we hit the peak...gorgeous views, glorious sunshine, and that sense of accomplishment that comes from standing at what seems to be the top of the world!  This is my kind of exercising, I get sweaty, but I don't feel like I'm doing's more of a communing with nature thang. *Hit gong now*  And that's how my week went, cardio on weekday mornings, cardio on weekday nights, add in a couple of ninja sessions, take Saturday off, attempt to go to the gym on Sunday but get thwarted by summer hours, but then hop on your bike for a 30K ride to Langford and back (unexpected run-in with Slim Sandy, Willa-Mae, and Rad Juli along the way), add some spinning and yoga to the mix...and voilà...lost 6.5 pounds this week!

Starting weight:  292.1
1st weigh-in:  286.8
2nd weigh-in:  280.1
3rd weigh-in:  276.4
4th weigh-in:  274.1
5th weigh-in:  270.6
6th weigh-in:  266.2
7th weigh-in:  262
8th weigh-in:  261.4
9th weigh-in:  257.7
10th weigh-in 251.4
11th weigh-in 247.3
12th weigh-in 243.6
13th weigh-in 241.7
14th weigh-in 235.4
15th weigh-in 235.4
16th weigh-in 227.7
17th weigh-in 223.5
18th weigh-in 223.5
19th weigh-in 221.6
20th weigh-in 221.6
21st weigh-in 215.6
22nd weigh-in 213.2
23rd weigh-in 207.9
24th weigh-in 206.6
25th weigh-in 200.1

Things couldn't have gone much better...losing 6.5 pounds on my 25th week feels darn good.  Of course, I may have attempted to weigh-in 34890328903892 times to see if positioning myself differently on the scale would make it drop just a little more to get me to my goal of under 200 pounds.  It stayed firm on 200.1 and then attempted to give me a number far greater than I decided to give it the boot under the bed, and accept 200.1 - that takes me to 92 pounds lost in total.  I can hardly believe it.  Looking back at my 3rd weigh-in, at which point I had lost the equivalent of an above-average cat...I will now explain how much weight I have lost with a couple of photographs:

Yes, my friends, I have lost the equivalent of a Japanese school girl...or 6 macaques...or 9 cats.  And in butter?  Well, that's ridiculous!

Visit Suzie's blog...with pictures (, yes!)
OMG..what if I don't have a pretty face?