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Grace Lore, NDP candidate for Victoria-Beacon Hill

Grace Lore, the NDP candidate for Victoria-Beacon Hill, answers questions from Times Colonist readers.
Grace Lore is the NDP candidate for Victoria-Beacon Hill. SUBMITTED







Political party: How long have you been a member?


Do you live in the riding, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to the riding?

I first moved to the community nearly 2 decade ago, living in James Bay, North Park and most recently in the heart of Fernwood, where I have been raising my family since 2014.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

I became the MLA for my home constituency of Victoria-Beacon Hill in 2020 and have been the Minister of Children and Family Development for the province of British Columbia.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing your community and why?

I’ve knocked on thousands of doors in 2024, and the issue I’ve heard about most, in every corner of our community, is housing affordability.

Whether it’s renters, young families buying a home for the first time, or those in need of supportive housing or complex care - people are finding their dollars stretched more due to global inflation, and they want to feel secure, knowing they can continue to live in Victoria, where they work, and have a place they can call home.

What actions or efforts have you taken to learn the concerns of your constituents?

I’ve knocked on thousands of doors just this year, speaking to people one-on-one in every neighbourhood of the constituency. What I love about door knocking is the chance to hear directly from people about what matters to them and what actions they want their government to take for the community they call home.

I also connect regular with community organizations, not-for-profits, and businesses, and attend the great community events across our city - community dinners, events held by faith organizations, community meetings. I’ve also held pop-up offices at markets.

What do you want to see improved in British Columbia in four, eight and 20 years?

While we have taken action on the key issues that people in Victoria-Beacon Hill care about, such as housing, healthcare, education and the cost of living, we know there is much more to do. I’m going to continue working hard for this community I love. Along with David Eby and the BCNDP government, we want to work with the community, together, so everyone has access to affordable housing that works for their family, where communities feel safe, and our most vulnerable neighbours have the care and support they need.

How would you go about addressing contentious issues within your riding?

I’ve heard varied concerns on the doorsteps about the cost of living, housing, healthcare services, climate, education and mental health and addictions. No matter the issue, people have told me they know our government is taking action on these key issues, that they like what they’ve seen, but they want to see more.

That’s exactly what’s going to happen.

While John Rustad and the BC Conservatives just want to fearmonger and divide communities, our BCNDP government works with the communities on these issues in partnership to build even more homes, make rents more affordable, recruit and train even more doctors.

Would you vote against your party and leader if it were best for your constituents?

I am part of the BCNDP and David Eby team because they’re on the side of people, and care about what they think. Our team has a great diversity that reflects all the faces of British Columbians, and those voices within the team that represent their communities are listened to in the BCNDP.

Voters want to know in advance what the parties will do, what they stand for, and know that they will stand by those commitments. That is an important part of democracy.

Why do you think you are qualified to do this job?

I have had the absolute honour of serving as MLA for this incredible community for the last 4 years. Most recently, I have also been the Minister for Children and Family where I built and expanded services for youth in care transitioning into adulthood and worked with First Nations leadership and communities on the return of jurisdiction of children and families, because kids are best cared for by their own families and communities. Before being elected, I taught at UVIC and worked with anti-violence organizations to build, deliver, and protect services for survivors of gender-based violence.

Why are you running – what’s your motivation?

I am running because I believe that everyone in our community deserves a safe home they can afford, access to health care and the services and support they need, and every opportunity for a good life.

I am running because this has been an incredible place to live and raise a family and we need a government who puts people at the centre of every decision.

I entered politics to work for the people who live, work in and support community - because they need a government on their side and we can’t put that at risk.​


Two incumbent MLAs will be facing off in Victoria-Beacon Hill after Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau relocated from Cowichan Valley to the capital.

She faces New Democrat Grace Lore, who captured 54 per cent of the vote in 2020. (The Green candidate was about 7,400 votes back with 30 per cent.)

They’re joined by lawyer Tim Thielmann, the Conservative Party candidate.

With the exception of one Liberal MLA in 2001-2005, this riding has gone NDP since it was created in 1991.



The candidates this election are:

See the full list of Vancouver Island candidates here. We are posting the candidate questionnaires riding by riding.


We asked readers what they wanted to ask candidates and used those answers to help shape our election coverage, including candidate questionnaires.

The answers are presented as submitted by the candidates, edited only for length if they exceeded the word limit they were given. We did not correct grammar, spelling or typos.

See an error or something that needs to be changed? You can report it to [email protected] or use the report a typo link below.