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On the Street: Five new members on Craigdarroch museum society

Craigdarroch Castle has added five new members to its Historical Museum Society board with Crystal Cook, Patricia Foster, Kevan King, Claudia Malacrida and Hans Pellikan being elected this month.
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Craigdarroch Castle in Victoria

Craigdarroch Castle has added five new members to its Historical Museum Society board with Crystal Cook, Patricia Foster, Kevan King, Claudia Malacrida and Hans Pellikan being elected this month.

“Together they bring a shared passion for the castle and experience in the legal, real estate, education and design sectors, which will be of great value to the organization in the years ahead,” said executive director John Hughes.

Cook is a lawyer with Sitka Law Group; Foster is a real estate agent; King is a retired lawyer; Malacrida is a professor of sociology at the University of Lethbridge; Pellikaan owns a design studio.

Chocolate to help orca recovery

Denman Island Chocolate has released a new organic Orca Bar with part proceeds from the chocolate to be donated to the Georgia Strait Alliance to support the group’s orca recovery initiatives. There are now only about 75 southern resident orcas, which are under threat from marine contaminants, disruptive and noisy vessel traffic and a lack of chinook salmon.

The chocolate bar is made with dark, organic, fair trade chocolate and shredded coconut, and will be available at retailers across the country.

“Living on an island, we’re very aware of ocean issues and the need to protect the waters around us,” says Daniel Terry, founder of Denman Island Chocolate. “We’re raising money with the Orca Bar, but our bigger goal is to keep awareness high about the threats to orcas and to motivate people to find ways to get involved with the effective marine conservation work that Georgia Strait Alliance is doing.”

Victoria slips to 10th on U-Haul list

Victoria has been named the 10th most popular destination in Canada, according to U-Haul’s most recent migration trends report. Last year Victoria was No. 8. The region saw a four per cent decrease in one-way U-Haul truck arrivals in 2018. “Victoria has recently seen an influx of new residents,” said Michelle Benson, president of U-Haul Company of Vancouver and Vancouver Island. “Vancouver has become a real-estate hot spot, so homes and apartment prices are skyrocketing. Since Victoria is right off the water and only a short ferry ride from Vancouver, it’s an affordable alternative.”

Haddon leads Canadian Club

Susan Haddon has been re-elected president of the Canadian Club of Victoria. She is joined by vice-president Thomas Williams, treasurer Lynn Larsen and secretary Marilyn Schick. Ellen Stensholt is past president. Directors at large are Sharon Apsey (membership), Tony Davis (technical support), Brian Head, Marie McKee, Brian McMullen (archivist) Naz Rayani, Pam Shemilt and Carolyn Stout (publicity).