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Kevin Dean: The challenge continues

Well its been 12 weeks and its hard to believe that the challenge is over. I go for my final weigh in and body fat check tonight with Andrea at P.I.S.E. and then I am on my own [so to speak].

Well its been 12 weeks and its hard to believe that the challenge is over.

I go for my final weigh in and body fat check tonight with Andrea at P.I.S.E. and then I am on my own [so to speak].

This experience has been a huge gift and a huge eye opener. My partner and I have learned so much about how we should shop & eat properly. The biggest thing I learned is to stay away from crap in a box, bag, can or jar [as much as possible].

Since we've change to shopping properly,our cupboards are way less full of stuff that we don't need or should be even eating.

I know that having no kids at home anymore makes this way easier, lets face it convience in today's busy lifestyle is everything. But we have learned that this is a team effort as a household and for us we've been able to make it work quite easily. We spend a lot less on our food bill as well as eat better and we eat more.

We still go out once a week for our treat dinner but we tend to share a meal, which is more than enough for the both of us.

Now lets talk about staying active...

I know I will never exercise like I did with "Freddy Krugger" [James Puckett]. But I now have tools to stay active at a pace that's realistic for me, and that's something I struggled with throughout the start of this challenge. Should I exercise everyday? Twenty reps instead of ten? Eighty pounds instead of 40? Blah...blah...blah! Thank god common sense prevailed, and my body said "easy dose it.”

The key words for me are ...."GET OFF YOUR BUTT!!!!" and "SHUT THE T.V., COMPUTER, CELL PHONE, OR GAMEBOY OFF!" And stop procrastinating and just do it.

I struggle with that daily as dose everyone else I'm sure. I haven't found a magic pill or answer to stop that "stinking thinking" but its definitely easier now.

All I know is my health has improved, my attitude and serenity are 100% better and I'm thinking about my life in a positive and constructive way .

I hope everyone else is doing well and having fun with there journey.

Thank-you to everyone involved with this contest and to all the sponsors that participated. You've all done a good thing for a lot of people.

Thank-you Shannon, Lois, and James for all your hard work. And thank you to my fellow contestants for all the inspiration and friendships. I've been so lucky to have come my way.

All the best and good health & luck to you all.
