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Campbell River woman outlives generating station first managed by her husband

Georgean Price couldn't have imagined as a young woman of 28 that she would outlast the useful life of the generating station where her husband was the first plant manager in 1947.
Georgean Price shuts down the first of six turbines to be decommissioned at BC Hydro's decommissione
Georgean Price shuts down the first of six turbines to be decommissioned at BC Hydro's decommissioned John Hart generating station outside Campbell River. Price was there when the station opened in 1947.

Georgean Price couldn't have imagined as a young woman of 28 that she would outlast the useful life of the generating station where her husband was the first plant manager in 1947.

She watched 71 years ago as a switch was flipped to turn on the turbines at the shiny new John Hart generating station. Last fall, at 98, she threw a switch to turn off the first of six turbines in honour of Art Price, her late husband.

The old plant, just up the Campbell River from the namesake city of 35,000 below, is being decommissioned, replaced by a new plant about 600 metres farther up the river.

"John Hart was modern and beautiful when it opened," said Price, whose 99th birthday is on Monday. "At that time, it was the apple of B.C. Hydro's eye."

A lot has changed since 1947, of course. Newfoundland was not yet a province and it took all day for a bus to wind its way to Campbell River from Nanaimo (it takes about 90 minutes today), Price said.

The power company built 10 houses for plant staff, a little speck of a hamlet known as Hydro Hollow close to the generating station.

"We were kind of the envy of the people in town," Price said. "We had these beautiful, modern homes up there.

"The people who lived there, we had the time of our lives."

Price said the old station is "not ramshackle at all, if you came to look at it today you wouldn't think it's a rundown plant."

But B.C. Hydro determined it would not survive a moderate earthquake.

The old pipes (made of creosote-soaked wood because metal was hard to come by during the Second World War) are worn and electricity production was becoming more inefficient and less reliable, a B.C. Hydro spokeswoman said.

Work began in 2014 on the new station, which is underground.

Three 1.8-kilometre pipelines have been replaced by one 2.1-kilometre underground pipeline. On schedule and on budget ($1.1 billion), according to BC Hydro, it will supply power to 80,000 homes compared to 74,000 for the old station.

The new John Hart station, named after the B.C. premier from 1941 to 1947, is scheduled to be commissioned this fall.

"(Hydro Hollow) was fantastic," Gord Price, Georgean's son, said. "We did things that wouldn't be allowed to happen today."

The tiny bucolic neighbourhood, placed around a street shaped like a crescent moon, sat next to virgin forest and the river. The grounds and homes were maintained by company-paid gardeners and repairmen, meaning no chores for the kids.

With lots of play time, then, they cut down trees in the forest to build forts, Gord Price said, fished beside the tail race (the channel carrying water away that had passed through the turbines), swam in the nearby pond (and skated on it in winter), and were allowed to move freely, unsupervised, inside the plant itself.

"We had total access to the hydro station, it was our playground," he said. "We'd run around next to where the turbines were spinning around.

"I just shake my head now. I wouldn't let my kid do that today."

His dad Art died in 2004 at the age of 92, but the family is still involved at the power station.

Gord, who was a fishing guide for 32 years, does equipment maintenance and procurement at the project. His sister Joan, whom Georgean lives with in Campbell River, sits on the city-hydro liaison committee, and Gord's nephew Chris Thompson is a pipe fitter at the site.

There are more than 5,500 B.C. Hydro retirees and their spouses. Power Pioneers, the organization that represents them, doesn't keep birthdate stats, so can't say with 100-per-cent certainty that Georgean Price is their elder stateswoman.

"But I think I must be," she said.

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