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Sooke school district candidate profile information

Candidates were asked to fill out a profile questionnaire.

Candidates were asked to fill out a profile questionnaire. Here are their responses:

TRUSTEE (7 seats)

Don_Brown10142014.jpgDonald (Robert) Brown*


Position sought: Trustee

I am running for re-election because I really enjoyed the learning and experience gained as a Trustee the last three years, and enthusiastically look forward to the next four years. Together we have accomplished a lot including the planning and building of two new high schools. I want our children to get the best possible educational opportunities. My 3 children are in enrolled in David Cameron Elementary school. I feel I have a lot to offer and will continue to work collaboratively with our students, parents, employee groups and the Board to provide excellent learning opportunities in a healthy and safe environment. I am looking forward to the completion and opening of our two beautiful new high schools. I encourage everyone to research the candidates who are running for School Trustee and cast your vote on November 15th. For more information my election website is, Facebook page Trustee Donald "Robert" Brown, or twitter @DonRobBrown

Facebook: Trustee Donald "Robert" Brown

Arthur (Russ) Chipps_01.jpgArthur (Russ) Chipps

Chief councillor of Beecher Bay First Nation for the past eight years years

Position sought: Trustee

I want to support, strengthen and make a positive impact at school district 62 through leading by example. It is important to me to show students and youth that anything is possible, especially if you commit to your surrounding communities and the people in them. I believe in community and am motivated to support learning and achieving success for children and their futures.

ELXN-Doris Gulmans-SD62.jpgDoris Gulmans

69, retired

Position sought: Trustee

The most important component of our society is OUR CHILREN. As a trustee I see my role as follows: - to ensure teachers have the resources needed to excel as they teach our children. - to have in depth, honest and continued consultation with parents and other affected groups as we plan and move forward with future developments. - to strive for excellence

Wendy Hobbs.jpgWendy Hobbs*


Position sought: Trustee

I am seeking re-election because I have been a trustee for eighteen years and believe I have made a positive difference in the way SD62 equips children to start their adult lives. I will continue to be approachable, consultative, caring and sensitive to all stakeholders when dealing with educational concerns. Work on improving our labour relations with our employees is vital to our school district. Engage effectively with our students and parents and employee groups regarding educational issues. I will continue to pressure the government for new land to build environmental green facilities for our growing district. Continue the conversation about the 2015 district wide grade configuration change. The grades will now be k-5, 6-8, 9-12. This will support student success in 2015 when our two new high schools will be open. Work with trustees to focus on student success and together we will make a difference. Looking forward to continuing my school visits and participating in school events. I will use the knowledge and experience I have to continue to advocate for predictable and sustainable provincial funding. Manageable classes, special needs and aboriginal funding will be a top priority. Provide programs of choice for our students eg: nature kindergarten, hockey school, dance, hair dressing and trades schools. I have made a difference in our school district and the completion of those two new high schools in September 2015 is my greatest achievement. Our community did it together and I am proud to say THANK-YOU! For working with the trustees to achieve our goal.

Facebook: Re-Elect Wendy Hobbs School Board Trustee

Benula Larsen.jpgBenula Larsen

46, teacher

Position sought: Trustee

In our roles as active members of our community,  as trustees, as parents, as grandparents, we must remember the kids are counting on us to make the right decisions.  One of the most important decisions we must make for our kids is to advocate for classrooms that are conducive to learning.   We have many classrooms that are not and we have many kids without proper specialist support.  This is a direct result of underfunding and as a community we need to unite and be the one voice that says “Our kids deserve better.  I am running for trustee because I want to help lead and amplify this voice.

StephanieLongstaff1028.jpgStephanie Longstaff


Position sought: Trustee

I am passionate that every child in BC has the right to a free top quality education. I feel the school district and the community need to connect far more than they are already. Schools should be the hub of the communities, where ever they are situated. Parents, grand parents, family, friends and all members of the community should feel welcome and include in their children's education location. I don't want to hear about another child 'surviving' school. I want all children to thrive in school. I have been very involved in our children's education, through Parents' Advisory Councils and connecting with teachers and principals for 17 years, in an effort to see this happen. I discovered why I do this a few years ago when I read a great book on education called "The Last Drop Out" by Bill Milliken. It is a great book, I highly recommend everyone interested in improving education to reading it. The book has many good ideas and sayings but one struck a note with me. "For these are all our children, and we shall all profit by, or pay for, what they become" - James Baldwin

MelissaMcConnell10292014.jpgMelissa McConnell


Position sought: Trustee

I am running for Trustee as I feel the district is in need of a change, and more transparency. I have 2 children currently in school, one of whom is special needs, another starting next year, and a 4th will be in the Kindergarten class of 2017. I believe in French Immersion, even with my children being in English Track, as I attended French Immersion in Manitoba until 11th Grade. I hope to continue to grow the program within the district. I believe that we, not only as a district but as a province, need more funding for schools. Education is where everything starts. It should be a top priority for our province. I believe in transparency and communication. Open lines of communication are a must, and I will try my best to ensure they stay that way. I opposed the changes to École John Stubbs Memorial School, and I spoke openly about it. I hope to ensure other schools are not blindsided by decisions like that one. I believe that everyone should have their voices heard by an open-minded trustees who will do their best to ensure that the best decision is made. I'd love to hear from you!

janpeever1027.jpgJan Peever


Position sought: Trustee

I believe that in public education, each child should have the best opportunity to reach their goals and potential. As education is underfunded in British Columbia, we need to continue to lobby for additional funding while we re-examine our existing budgets to ensure that we are getting the best value for our educational dollars. While we strive to continue our excellent academic program, we need to strengthen and promote trades programmes. We need to examine class size and composition to ensure that all students are in an environment in which they can succeed. In the past 21 years (11 as CUPE president), I was an employee of SD62 and had the opportunity to sit on many committees, giving me an overview of both the educational and facilities sides of the district. I earned a reputation as being collaborative and solution-orientated. I would like to take this knowledge to represent you as a Trustee and I pledge to listen and take forward your concerns if elected. Please "Leave It To Peever" on November 15th.

Facebook: Jan Peever SD 62 Trustee Candidate

ELXN-SD62-Parmar.jpgRavi Parmar


Position sought: Trustee

I am running because: -We need trustees that will engage with the public. -We need to actively consult with the different interest groups (e.g. parents, students, teachers and support staff). -I want to bring my proven strong voice to the table. -My involvement in SD62 has led to a passion for the education system . -As an SD62 grad, I know the district’s gifts and challenges. My goal as a trustee is to facilitate the creation of a positive, fully-funded local system that will keep students interested, engaged and supported every step of the way.

Facebook: Ravi Parmar for SD62

Bob Phillips_01.jpgBob Phillips*

67, retired medical social worker

Position sought: Trustee

Quality public education enhances our children's lives and produces a healthier and more democratic society . Clearly the K-12 sector needs better funding , particularly for our special-needs students. All indicators reveal that SD62 will face major financial decisions over the next two budgets. SD62 student achievement indicators are all showing improvement. Parents and staff (usually teachers) have spent generously from their own time and funds to “compensate” for funding shortfalls. This is not a fair or sustainable way to educate our children. The K-12 sector challenges are not just monetary — we must equally focus on educational research concerning individualized learning and instruction. Emotionally, we must move beyond the recent job action. We need a rejuvenated K-12 advocacy coalition with one short list of research based priorities that speaks with a unified voice. I believe my medical work, and labour relations and trustee experiences, will enable me to make positive contributions to the questions and challenges facing SD62 and the creation of a more effective unified voice for our children's education.

vote2011 - Neil Poirier.jpgNeil Poirier*


Position sought: Trustee

Through my involvement with parent groups, and now my first term as a trustee I have gained thirteen years of valuable experience. As a Trustee, I have served the educational system and ultimately the children of the Western Communities in achieving their higher educational goals. We must make sure they have what they need to achieve these goals, whatever they may be. If elected * I will endorse open discussions with the public, especially with the parents in our community, and I will support continued transparency of School Board meetings; * I will work at building and strengthening healthy supportive relationships with parents, teachers, our community and the School Board Team, promoting honest and open communication to better serve our education system; * I will support the continued funding of our schools sports/athletics, music, drama and art programs, which are an important part of a well-rounded education; * I will support teachers and administrators who are developing and implementing programs that support alternative education. (For example, ‘Academies’ and ‘Ed West’); * I will work toward ensuring that we as a community are ready for growing enrolment numbers and that there will be appropriate education facilities available for our kids

Denise Riley.jpgDenise Riley*


Position sought: Trustee

I am seeking re-election to contribute the knowledge and experience I have gained as a six-term trustee. As a trustee I recognize and support the important work done by all staff to create programs that engage students in areas of interest and meaningful learning to enhance their creative and innovative skills. We must stay focused on student achievement. If elected I will *continue to advocate for adequate and sustainable provincial funding to ensure necessary resources that support improvements in working and learning conditions for teachers, staff and students, *work to address the issues of class size, class composition, increased services for special needs students and enhanced programs of choice and training for all students, *pressure the government for funding to build new schools to accommodate future student population growth, *encourage greater consultation and engagement with community and partner groups regarding decisions being made that effect their schools and students' learning. I care passionately about public education and will provide leadership with both continuity and vision for navigating the future of our School District.

Facebook: Re-Elect Denise Riley For School Board Trustee 62



Position sought: Trustee

Rud is running to restore the balance of power at the Sooke School District table through increased representation for the smaller communities and families on the Westshore. Rud is hoping to restore his own sense of confidence in the integrity of this board to be transparent through proper consultation and communication with all it's communities, and not just towing the line for developers and corporations. Rud is perhaps best known for singing with his rock bands "Kooler" and "Playground Hero".Rud plays on the wing for the "Flyers" men's hockey club and pick-up basketball with the Victoria men's masters association.Rud is the elected president of the strata council where he lives.Rud is older brother of Juno award winning jazz musician Mike Rud, younger brother of writer and author Jeff Rud and son of retired RCAF pilot and physician "Bud" Rud.Rud is husband of RN and business owner Kathryn, his son Dexter will be attending Royal Bay High School when it opens next year.

[email protected]

Dianna Seaton_01.jpgDianna Seaton*


Position sought: Trustee

SD62 needs strong, experienced leadership in these challenging times of growth and change. As an incumbent candidate, I am prepared eager and ready to serve another term. I have a proven record as a dedicated, hard-working trustee. I pledge to use the experience and knowledge I have gained during the past nine years to make decisions in the best interests of our students and our school district. My proudest moment as a trustee is the approval of our business plan by the Ministry of Education to replace Belmont with two new secondary schools. In September 2015 the opening of Belmont and Royal Bay coincides with grade reconfiguration. This will affect over 4,500 students in our elementary, middle and secondary schools. I am committed to ensuring the successful implementation of this enormous undertaking. All Students of all abilities are entitled to a safe, nurturing learning environment and the support they need to complete school with the strong foundation required for post secondary. Partnerships and effective communication with all groups will produce the best possible educational outcomes. Together, this is our responsibility. With your support I will continue to advocate on behalf of our children.

Trudy_Spiller10142014.jpgTrudy Spiller


Position sought: Trustee

I want to run for school trustee in SD62 Belmont Zone because I have seen the cuts to our schools. I am a young great grand-mother raising family whom are 8 and 9 years old. I am going in to my 2nd year as a SD62 Role Model and I teach children about our Gitxsan culture, medicine, plants, food and traditional dress because I believe all children have a right to know about our traditional ways. I am also on our school PAC and safety committee so I am quite involved with our school. I have seen the composition of the classroom where up to 4 students with assessed special needs are in one class with only one EA. I want to advocate for smaller class sizes to allow teachers to give all students the time they deserve to learn and thrive. If elected, I want to visit schools and hear from the teachers what is important to them, it would give the teachers a chance to talk about what would improve their working conditions. I am new and have fresh ideas.

Facebook: Trudy SpillerSD62 School Trustee Candidate

deansutton1024.jpgDean Sutton


Position sought: Trustee

A strong public education system with a well qualified and supported teaching profession, free from political interference, is among our greatest safeguards of democracy. Ensuring our children have quality education; class size and composition issues are addressed by the Board; accountability and transparency by the Board and upholding the Principles of Public Education.

MargotSwinburnson1024.jpgMargot Swinburnson*


Position sought: Trustee

Thank you for electing me for 5 terms. Simply put, I am running as a trustee because my passion is to create better chances for all our students. The status quo is never good enough, and our education system must improve to meet the changing needs of our world. Boards must put aside partisan differences and work together to achieve this. We must end the chronic underfunding of our most vulnerable learners. If elected I will * work locally and provincially on initiatives to better support staff, parents and kids when students are experiencing mental health difficulties * advocate for reasonable dialogue and decisions on class size and composition * Always advocate for sustained, fair funding for our classroom * Use the filter of what is best for students to guide my decision making, and when we have to make the tough choices. It has been an honor and a pleasure to be able to serve as a Trustee for the last 15 years. I ask for your support for the next four. Thank You.

Facebook: Re-Elect Margot Swinburnson

Sarah Wilson.jpgSarah Wilson


Position sought: Trustee

I am a mother of three, aged 8, 3 and 2. My oldest is disabled and is considered special needs within the education system. My family has not had the best experiences with SD62 and I do not wish anyone else to go through that. I hope to bring about clarity, in the form of open communication from the trustees; accountability, by connecting those with struggles to the tools that are available to them; and change, by recognizing that past failures can be used as building blocks to make something better.

* indicates incumbent

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