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Spiritually Speaking

The apocalyptic season of Advent

The apocalyptic season of Advent

Advent is a reminder that we are building a more just world. Meeting people and hearing their stories transforms fear about end times to breaking bread and building community together.
Standing together, listening to difficult truths

Standing together, listening to difficult truths

Annual General Meetings have the reputation of being rather dry events, but not this one! A difficult issue held us all in rapt attention and generated constructive conversation.
How a wet backpack led from despair to hope

How a wet backpack led from despair to hope

I have learned no matter the circumstances when one has a strong sense of purpose, one does not give up. It’s about how we show up. My source of hope, gratitude, strength and purpose is from my faith.
Grief Transforms – Light at the Margin

Grief Transforms – Light at the Margin

Grief does not end; our response to it does soften over time and life continues to envelope it. It adds to the tapestry of our life.
Remembrance Day remains relevant, teachable

Remembrance Day remains relevant, teachable

Last week, on Monday, November 11th, Remembrance Day presented an opportunity to reflect not just on the past, but our current world. Have we become so fixated on “the now” and moving to the future, that we’ve forgotten to consider history?
The Joy of Beginning with God

The Joy of Beginning with God

Christian Science practitioner Mark McCurties will be giving an in-person talk, “The Joy of beginning with God,” on Sunday, November 17th at 2:00 pm PCT at 1205 Pandora Avenue. A Zoom link will be provided for online attendees at
The dead are spirit members of our community

The dead are spirit members of our community

The dead become spirit members of our communities—to be visited and  remembered, sometimes with  honour  and love.
Kristallnacht: Remembrance Matters

Kristallnacht: Remembrance Matters

Congregation Emanu-El, 1461 Blanshard St, Victoria, Thursday, November 7, 2024 –7 p.m.
Wind phones and Death Cafes provide healing from grief

Wind phones and Death Cafes provide healing from grief

As grievers, caring friends, family, clergy, counsellors, grief groups, Death Cafes and Wind Phones help us express the inexpressible.
Coming together through rituals that unite

Coming together through rituals that unite

How does the lulav and etrog symbolize unity? We bundle them together and thank G-d for this mitzvah that shows us we are all one people. In order to grow and thrive as individuals who are able to help humanity and the world we all live in, we need to come together with our strengths, talents, challenges, and differences.